John Finnemore’s Souvenir Programme recording

~ This post contains spoilers ~

Last week I went to The Shaw Theatre, London, to watch some of series 4 of John Finnemore’s Souvenir Programme being recorded.


Of course as I’d gone to the previous try-outs I recognised a lot of the material, but nevertheless the recording was very funny and really enjoyable to watch! I only went to the second recording (as we didn’t have enough tickets for our whole group to go to the first and there was no guarantee we’d get into both), but the recording I did go to was great.

There were a few sketches about the Willoughbies, as well as the good subtle references to Belgium’s greatness throughout and song about Belgium to finish off. In addition to this, there was the ‘Well, since you asked me’ sketch about a trapdoor. I’d heard it before at one of the try-outs, but this time it was shorter and more concise, so probably improved.

This recording included a brief “Well, since you asked me where the hell my script is” moment, where John Finnemore went up to the microphone and realised he didn’t have his script, as well as amusing acting and John Finnemore standing on a chair for one of the sketches. There was also a final sing-along bit for the audience to join in with the Belgium song.

JFSP 2I was really pleased when some of the cast (Carrie and John) recognised me from other recordings and try-outs. Hooray! I also spoke to some of the cast after the recording, though the pictures I got with them weren’t very good quality as it was so dark outside!

There are to be another four JFSP recordings coming up soon, although being the fool I am I forgot to apply. Damn! Oh well, I can’t wait until they are broadcast as this series looks very good so far!

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